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6V / 12V Trickle Battery Charger
for Generator, Boat, Car, etc.
Automatic Battery Trickle Charger
Automatic Battery Trickle Charger
for Generator, Boat, Car, etc.
Automatic Trickle Battery Charger
If, like me, you have a portable generator with an automatic start feature, you should own an automatic trickle battery charger to keep your generator battery charged and ready to start. It is an easy to use 6v / 12v battery trickle charger for not only a portable generator battery but any idle battery, and trickle charger has a complete 4-step charging program. This trickle charging program (battery bulk charge, initialization, absorption mode and float mode) allows for optimization of battery power, without overcharging and you will be able to use that automatic start on your portable generator when you need it because the trickle charger will keep the battery fully powered.
The feature that I like is that it automatically switches to float mode after fully charging the battery by microprocessor controlled program. No need for any manual operation on your part..
When your portable generator is not in use this trickle charger keeps your battery fully charged while in storage. I have a small storage shed that I keep my generator in when not in use. I have electrical outlets in the storage shed and keep the trickle charger connected to the 12v battery when the generator is stored. When I purchased the trickle charger my battery had drained to the point that it would not start. I attached the trickle charger and it charged the generator battery until it had a full charge. Then my generator started right up. I then placed it back into the storage shed and put the trickle charger back on it so it would not allow it to drain down on me again. My generator is a Champion 12,000 watt generator and has no pull cord backup for starting. So, using the trickle charger is almost a must for me so I will have use of the generator when I need it.
These automatic trickle chargers have other uses than for portable generator batteries. Many people use a trickle charger to keep the battery ready to start for items that they don't use most every day, such as, motorcycles, old cars in storage, ATVs, RVs, boats, scooters, lawn mowers, golf carts and kids ride on toys.
This charger is lightweight, smart, compact, fully automatic and very easy to use especially in small spaces. Use it in your garage, storage building, carport, boat dock; any place that you have utility power. This simple, manageable and inexpensive automatic battery maintainer, trickle charger and battery drip charger will keep your battery fully charged so it is ready to go when you need it.
You get alligator clips and ring terminals connectors with this smart battery trickle charger and it is so easy to hook up. This power battery charger has a fully sealed outer case and is dust-resistant, oil-resistant and anti-moisture to prevent corrosion or other damaging effects of weather exposure.
If you do not have access to utility power for an electric trickle charger then consider this SUNER Power solar trickle charger that uses the sun to keep 12V batteries maintained and ready to go.
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Taking Care Of Your Low Maintenance Batteries
February 21, 2025 - All batteries slowly lose strength when sitting idle; this is considered self-discharge. If you have a battery in equipment that you seldom use like a portable generator, motorcycle, old car, lawn mower in the winter time, golf-cart, ATV, etc. then you will need to periodically charge the battery. Unless you use an automatic battery trickle charger then you must put manually charging these type batteries on your to do list every so often. If you are like me you don't really need one more thing to constantly remember to do.
If a battery is allowed to discharge past a certain point, it can never be recharged and must be replaced. This means more expense and one more thing on the list to take care of.
Most batteries will get recharged when the engine is running.
However, starting the engine discharges the battery somewhat, so you must run the engine for some time just to replace the charge used to start the engine. Other factors involved when depending on keeping a battery charged by periodically running the engine are: how often you run the engine or the car, generator, boat, etc., how long you run the engine each time, the charge level of the battery when the generator, car, cart, etc. was started, the age of the battery, the ambient temperature and the amount of charge that is required to start the engine.
Unless you plan to run the car, portable generator, golf cart, motorcycle, etc. on a regular basis, then you need to plan to use an external charger like an automatic battery trickle charger to keep your low use battery charged.
Trickle chargers are low-amp devices that charge up a drained battery to keep it at its max capacity. Hooked to an idle battery, like a portable generator it trickle charges the battery to prevent drainage and it stops charging when the battery is fully charged. Battery maintainer has Indicator lights that show you when your generator battery has a full trickle charge.
Automatic Battery Trickle Charger
LED Lights Indicate Charging Status
Battery Tender Trickle Charger
When you have an electric start portable generator, a boat battery , motorcycle battery, lawn mower battery that you don't use for long periods of time, then you can make good use of this battery trickle charger. Indicator lights on this automatic battery trickle charger keep you informed as to the status of your battery charge level at all times. Since the charger works for both 6V and 12V batteries a indicator light alerts you as to which type battery selection you have made when you connected the charger to the battery. Other indicator lights show you the charging status of the battery. This little trickle charger is compact, smart, lightweight and gets the job done. It comes with two kinds of battery connectors, including battery clamps and battery rings for a secure connection to your battery terminals.
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